Service Times: Sunday 9:45 am. Wonderful Wednesday 10:00 am. - get directions
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Our Church

Join us THIS Sunday in-person at 9:45 am
at York Bible Church, 890 Taxville Rd, York
or Online.

York Bible Church is a community of people called out by the Gospel of salvation through Jesus Christ. We are being shaped together by teaching and preaching from the Bible, worship through song and prayer, and relationships of friendship with each other.

We at York Bible would be honored and delighted if you would join us as we get to know God’s will for our lives through the Lord Jesus Christ. You will receive a warm welcome! If you do not have a church family, come be part of what God is doing here at YBC.


Praying for My Grandchildren - 2

Click on the image above to view and print 31 Scripture verses to pray for specific Godly attributes in the lives of your Grandchildren (or anyone). While this is designed with grandchildren in mind it can effectively be used in daily prayer for anyone. Each day pray the corresponding short prayer inserting names if you like.
The Scripture (in red) can be clicked on and will open Bible Gateway to the specific scripture referenced.

Originally published in the September 2020 issue of Mature Living magazine by
Bob Hostetler.


Wonderful Wednesday TN

Prayer Ministry  – Click on LINK to visit the Ministry of Prayer page.

If you are interested in participating in the name exchange to pray for one another’s spiritual revival
please contact YBC to obtain a pink / blue prayer card

or for more info Link to
Or Join us on FB

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