Service Times: Sunday 9:45 am. Wonderful Wednesday 10:00 am. - get directions

Surviving the Holidays

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The loss of a loved one is difficult enough,
but during the holidays it can get even tougher.

York Bible Church is offering this special
Surviving the Holidays brief seminar on
Sunday, November 21st at 11:00 AM
(immediately following our Morning Worship Service).

This one-time seminar wil bring practical suggestions and real hope to those who need direction this holiday season!

Please view a short video by clicking the video below:

We also offer the full GriefShare 13 week seminar
Wednesdays – 10:00 AM – 12:00 Noon
October 27th through January 26th.
Join us ANY Week

You can attend at any time
without having to start from the beginning.

Visit GriefShare at York Bible Church