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Let’s GO!

Date: April 18, 2020 Speaker: EyeWitness Bible Series

Let's GO
Videos below.

Acts is a history of the first three decades of the Church. It is the only existing history of the Church that was written in the first century. Although the Bible does not specify it, Church tradition and many scholars agree that Luke wrote both Luke and Acts.

In Luke, the author said he made a careful investigation of everything before writing. His three primary sources of information were: his own experiences, previously existing written sources, and careful listening to the stories of those who were personally involved. This series of stories illustrates what Luke might have heard from more than a dozen of the characters featured in Acts. Any reader of the Bible quickly notices it gives few details about most of its characters or events. These stories are true to the Bible, but personalities and personal details are given to its more illustrative characters.  

LukeJesus is returning, Pentecost, Choosing Matthias
Primary Scriptures:  Acts 1

Peter – Coming of Holy Spirit, growth of Church,
activities of Peter
Primary Scriptures:  Acts 2-5, 10-12

Stephen –  Stephen as one of the Seven;
Stephen’s trial and death
Primary Scriptures:  Acts 6-7

Philip – Philip evangelizes in Samaria
and to the Ethiopian eunuch
Primary Scriptures:  Acts 8

Barnabas –  Barnabas brings Paul into the Church,
growth of Church outside Judea
Primary Scriptures:  Acts 4

John Mark –  John Mark’s story,
start of the First Missionary Journey
Primary Scriptures:  Acts 13

Holy Spirit –  The book of Acts is often about the work and indwelling of the Holy Spirit
Primary Scriptures:  Acts 2

Paul – Paul’s conversion and his early years as a Christian
Primary Scriptures: Acts 9

First Missionary Journey
Primary Scriptures: Acts 13-14

James – The Council of Jerusalem
Primary Scriptures: Acts 15

Caesarea – A description of the influential city of Caesarea
Primary Scriptures: Acts 9:40

Second Missionary Journey (Part 1)
Antioch to Berea
Primary Scriptures:  Acts 15-17

Second Missionary Journey (Part 2)
Roman Empire; Athens, Corinth
Primary Scriptures:  Acts 17-18

Timothy – Timothy’s story
Primary Scriptures:  Acts 15-18

Women of Acts – The stories of Tabitha, Lydia, and Priscilla
Primary Scriptures:  Acts 9, 16, 18

The Third Missionary Journey
Roman Empire; Galatia, Macedonia, Greece
Primary Scriptures:  Acts 19-20

Paul’s End – Paul’s trip to Jerusalem,
his imprisonment and trials, trip to Rome
Primary Scriptures:  Acts 21-28

Theophilus – Some thoughts about what happens
after Acts ends
Primary Scriptures:  Acts 28


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