The Journey – Part 1
Dear Beloved Church Family,
Several months ago I read through Puritan Thomas Watson’s powerful sermons on Romans 8:28 written in 1663. You know that famous verse: “We know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.” Watson’s book, ALL THINGS FOR GOOD, carefully explained every aspect of that verse in 136 pages!
I enjoyed his book. I appreciated his careful pastoral applications. But, little did I know that on July 13th around 8:30am I would begin to experience Romans 8:28 in “real time”! I experienced the very worst accident of my life! Besides tripping on a concrete extension at Keswick and smacking my head, I fell and broke my leg requiring two trauma surgeries so far and a long recovery period in sight. (I hate sitting still!!!)
God has been so good to us and I want to take a little time each day and tell you about my journey!
In the meanwhile, I sure appreciate all your prayers, cards, texts and calls! Thank You! Pastor Mark Crocco’s message was so encouraging this morning!
More to come!
Pastor Dave Sutter
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