The Journey – Part 20
Dear Beloved Church Family,
It was great to actually be in Church yesterday! Several of you asked me for an actual update, so here goes!
It has been 48 days since I tripped and broke my leg. The surgeon told me very emphatically that I can’t put any weight on the broken foot for at least 3 months. Currently, I am involved in what I think is a very aggressive Physical Therapy Regiment which changes several times each week to include what I think are harder and more painful exercises that are meant to help restore not only the broken leg but are also means to build up muscles that tend to atrophy during such times. Any passivity on my part will negatively affect the possibility of full recovery. This exercise is helping me become stronger every day. And I am also grateful to be sleeping better at night. Next week, I will have an X-ray when I see the surgeon and I hope to see that progress has been made. The end just might be in sight!
I have been viewing and evaluating several potential video series for Adult Sunday School and will soon announce what we will be studying. When word got out concerning my accident, Dr. Jamie Mitchell texted saying he’d love to be with us on September 18th since he was already scheduled to be in the Lancaster area. I hope to talk him into doing an Adult Sunday School session as well. Jamie is very active with the American Pastors Network and has his finger on the pulse of what is going on in churches today.
Thank you for your continued prayer and encouragement to Sue and me! We surely love and appreciate all of you!
More tomorrow!
Pastor Dave Sutter
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