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The Journey – Part 19

The Journey

Dear Beloved Church Family,

Earlier this morning I sat and watched a recent question & answer session with Dr. John MacArthur. Pastor MacArthur was speaking to the new students at the Master’s Seminary in California. I was encouraged to hear his very strong emphasis on pastors preaching, what he called, “Sequential Exposition“! Just taking a book of the Bible and teaching through it verse-by-verse. I needed to hear that emphasis again. “Sequential Exposition” is not always easy to do – but worth it! So where does that leave us?

I am planning on beginning a “Sequential Exposition” of the Book of 2 Peter this September. I am not sure if I could think of a book of the Bible more needed right now by all of us than 2 Peter and I plan on telling you “Why”. Just three short chapters power-packed with dense spiritual nutrients for every Disciple of Christ!

So – let me suggest that in preparation for this Fall, you begin reading through 2 Peter – maybe even once a day! (We’ll also continue looking at Psalms as well! )

Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow in Church!

Pastor Dave Sutter

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