The Journey – Part 18
Dear Beloved Church Family,
I just got off the phone with one of our own members going through some uncertain times. And the doctors are not offering concrete help! We talked briefly about the way God works in our lives to teach us custom designed life-lessons, often through various difficulties. And how God often puts us through various trials and difficulties so we’ll be able to help others going through similar situations. That’s where joy is often experienced, when we can actually help others and bring God’s comfort! And often that makes our hard times seem worth it! That’s Kingdom thinking! (2 Corinthians 1:3-7)
The Disciples were able to go through incredible earthly trials, even to the point of brutal death – because our Lord Jesus made it clear to them, and to us, that when He ascended, He would be actually preparing a Heavenly Home for them.
(John 14:1-3) And that one day He would come and take them to that Home. Not in York or New York! Not even in Dover! But Heaven!
Something to ponder!
Pastor Dave Sutter
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