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The Journey – Part 21

The Journey

Dear Beloved Church Family,

It is very easy to either forget or underestimate the power and influence of Biblical Encouragement! It is often too easy to think that our gestures of kindness matter very little. Spirit-directed encouragement can go a long way in defeating discouragement and other attacks of the Evil One! For lack of encouragement, many believers have given up and retreated from living for Christ. Paul knew this and exhorted those godly believers in Thessalonica to habitually practice encouragement. (Those Biblical exhortations directly apply to us as well!) 1 Thessalonians 5:11– “Therefore encourage one another . . .” 1 Thessalonians 5:14 ” . . . encourage the disheartened . . .”

The other day I found myself a bit discouraged and while I was thinking about my current situation, a text came from one of our ladies asking if I’d like some of the sausage and peppers her husband was currently cooking. (Me turn away food ??? – No way! ) Wow – what encouragement. That definitely brightened up our day! And she had no idea what I was thinking!

Who do you know who might need encouragement today?

Hope to see you tomorrow!

Pastor Dave Sutter

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